Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beautiful Uses for Baking Soda

Beautiful Uses for Baking Soda

Do you know the wonders that lay inside your kitchen cabinet? So many things found in the kitchen can be used for beautifying purposes. So get out that Holy Grail of natural beauty and lets mix some baking soda! Here are 6 quick ways to use baking soda in your beauty routine.

1. Skin softener - mix a little baking soda in your bath for noticeably softer skin. It's a great natural alternative to bubble bath which can be loaded with chemicals and harsh fragrances. Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil in for a soothing aromatherapy experience. My favorite is to unwind with a little lavender.

2. Lip exfoliant - stop paying for lip scrubs! Take a little baking soda, mix it with a little water to make a paste, and spread it on lips. Use a toothbrush to scrub gently for extra-chapped or flaky lips. Make sure to moisturize after with a little lip balm! My favorite is Burt's Bees.

3. At-home mani/pedi - Nails turning yellow from too much nail polish? Rough cuticles from dish soap? Scrub some baking soda/water paste on them to get those off right away!

4. Body exfoliant - similar to the lip exfoliant, use in the shower all over for a cheap way to slough off dead skin and brighten yourself! Gentle enough for sensitive skin.

5. Clear out product build-up - add to shampoo or use alone on scalp for a cheap alternative to clarifying shampoo. Renew your hair, save yourself some money, and save the earth an extra shampoo bottle in the trash.

6. Face microdermabrasion - Microdermabrasion is a way to exfoliate the face to make it photo-ready. Skip high-end beauty products loaded with extra chemicals and fragrances and save those big bucks by using baking soda. Mix two teaspoons of baking soda with water, rub in, and rinse! For more detailed instruction, go here.

Do you have baking soda tips?

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