Oatmeal - the soothing and sensitive spa ingredient provided by Mother Nature herself. Here are 5 surprising uses for it in your daily life!
1. Soften and sooth - grind up or use whole oats in the bath tub! How many of us took oatmeal baths when we had chicken pox? Oatmeal is a great way to sooth irritated skin. Last year my skin was being really annoying and I was itchy all over. It went away after one oatmeal bath! And my skin was baby soft afterwards.
2. Spa masks - oatmeal masks are usually associated with sensitive skin but did you know you can also treat acne with it? Cook up some oatmeal, let it cool for a bit until it's lukewarm, apply to affected areas. Let it dry and get a little crusty and then wash off with lukewarm water.
Also try a DYI face and body scrub! Grind 2 tablespoons of oats into a grainy consistency, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a little water until it's in a paste. Spread onto clean and dry face, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse.
3. Natural odor killer - place an open container of oatmeal in the fridge to absorb unwanted odors. If you smoke, try lining ashtrays with oats to get the cigarette smell out of your room.
4. Sooth your dog's skin - if you see that your dog's skin is itchy, try some of these methods to make the poor little guy feel better.
5. Cook with it - oats can be used for so much more than just oatmeal! It's a natural and yummy way to get your fiber. Try replacing regular flour with oat flour (just grind oats in a food processors). You get more fiber, feel fuller, and cut the calories. It's also a great way to go gluten-free!