Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Inspired By: The 1910s
Fashion in the 1910s can be divided into two separate categories: opulent and simpe. The first half of the decade was characterized mainly by "orientalism" as American and British society were fascinated by Asian culture. The waistline dropped from empire to the natural waist. When WWI hit, the fashion turned more to the necessity of clothing rather than the intrigue of fashion. Women began to wear the hair shorter and, during the war, hemlines started creeping up. It all made way for the new woman of the 1920s.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Inspired By: The 1900s
This is the first post of a new "Inspired By". By looking at the fashion of each decade from the beginning of the 20th century, we'll show you how to take those fashion points and turn them into some fashion looks you could wear today. First up is the 1900s.
Fashion in the 1900s slowly represented the evolution from the 19th century to the 20th century. Gone were the bustles and corsets of earlier days and in came slowly shortening hems and men-inspired women fashions. Dresses and shirts were full in the front, accented with ruffles and tiers of fabric.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Optimistic Oatmeal: 5 Uses
Oatmeal - the soothing and sensitive spa ingredient provided by Mother Nature herself. Here are 5 surprising uses for it in your daily life!
1. Soften and sooth - grind up or use whole oats in the bath tub! How many of us took oatmeal baths when we had chicken pox? Oatmeal is a great way to sooth irritated skin. Last year my skin was being really annoying and I was itchy all over. It went away after one oatmeal bath! And my skin was baby soft afterwards.
2. Spa masks - oatmeal masks are usually associated with sensitive skin but did you know you can also treat acne with it? Cook up some oatmeal, let it cool for a bit until it's lukewarm, apply to affected areas. Let it dry and get a little crusty and then wash off with lukewarm water.
Also try a DYI face and body scrub! Grind 2 tablespoons of oats into a grainy consistency, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a little water until it's in a paste. Spread onto clean and dry face, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse.
3. Natural odor killer - place an open container of oatmeal in the fridge to absorb unwanted odors. If you smoke, try lining ashtrays with oats to get the cigarette smell out of your room.
4. Sooth your dog's skin - if you see that your dog's skin is itchy, try some of these methods to make the poor little guy feel better.
5. Cook with it - oats can be used for so much more than just oatmeal! It's a natural and yummy way to get your fiber. Try replacing regular flour with oat flour (just grind oats in a food processors). You get more fiber, feel fuller, and cut the calories. It's also a great way to go gluten-free!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Roasted Beet, Carrot and Goat Cheese Salad
This one was the result of a toss-in. As in I had a "Oh no I just realized I'm really, really hungry and I haven't planed what to make for dinner yet and I'm too lazy to go to the store and buy anything and I'm too cheap to get take out, I have some stuff in my fridge I hope I can make it go together" moment. I get those kind of often.
So with the two vegetables I had sitting in the fridge I got to work. Beets, carrots, go.
When it comes to vegetables, I don't think you can really go wrong in roasting them. I might even go as far to say as that's my favorite way to have them. A little extra virgin olive oil on a cookie sheet, a little salt, oven on 450 degrees and you're done (Tip: rosemary and thyme are an excellent combination on any root vegetable)! I let them roast, sprinkled some goat cheese on top and ended up with what you see here. The salty cheese and sweet vegetable had a really good balance that made for a satisfying, albeit last minute meal.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Cute Cups
So I recently learned
something about myself. I may be turning into my mom. For years I've been
battling her on her no measurement policy. She says she can't help it, that
that's just the way she was taught to cook but a fat load of good that does me
when I'm trying to figure out how to make one of my grandma's dishes. I try to
explain to her that cooking is all about ratios (i.e. this is why she is a
notoriously terrible baker) to no avail. I remember spending 45 minutes on the
phone with her once trying to confirm that the ratio to cook rice is 2 parts
water to 1 part rice in which she would not give me a straight answer and kept
saying "you just put as much rice and water as you need for the amount of
people you're trying to feed. I eventually demanded that she put my father on
the phone who gave me a simple "yes."
But as I was posting this "recipe," I realized that I too
have begun to cook without measurement. This is all fine and well when
experimenting, but seeing my mother's nature come out in my cooking has scared
me into vigilance. I must keep an eye on myself, I can't let myself get to the
point where I ignore quantities in recipe cards. I have come up with a
solution: cute measuring cups.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Terrific Toothbrush
The toothbrush is more than just an instrument that cleans your teeth. It can be used for so many other things!
1. Groom your eyebrows - don't waste money on an eyebrow brush! Use a toothbrush to brush eyebrows into place and set with a little gel. I like to use Aquaphore.
2. Touch up your roots. Use a toothbrush to attack those colored roots as soon as they start appearing!
3. Exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush and baking soda! See here for directions.
4. Keep down flyaways! Spray toothbrush with hairspray and brush down flyaways. Also use a toothbrush instead of a brush to get subtle volume when teasing.
5. Use with dry shampoo. Spray toothbrush and use on roots to soak up oil.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Food has had many champions throughout the course of history. The great chefs, the prodigal bakers, the people who just like to eat it. Yes, food-aphelia is nothing new. But never before in this rally to food had such an upsurge of followers, these foodies as they are called (which so many of us are self-proclaimed to be).
People like food.
If you don't, something is wrong with you.
Toast is a biopic about the original foodie, Nigel Slater based on his memoir of the same name. With a love of food that sprung from God knows where, little Nigel lives with his kindhearted mother who is tragically hopeless in the kitchen and his prickly father who he suspects may have grown hard due to malnutrition. Nigel spends his time dreaming of vegetables that don't come in tins and playing make believe store clerk, pulling orders of fresh cheese and produce off the shelves while his father expresses his disappointment and his mother cooks night after night the only thing she can with any sort of success: toast. The three get along as well as they can until Nigel's mother dies. The two men of the house are now left alone to fend for themselves and it is not long before Nigel's father hires a housekeeper, Mrs. Potter played by Helena Bonham Carter, to lend a hand. Unfortunately for our young hero, Mrs. Potter has it in mind to make her position a bit more permanent and through the dirtiest montage of cleaning I've ever seen, earns a place for herself in Mr. Slater's affections.
Fast-forward a couple years and Nigel's father has relocated the little patchwork family to the country where his son's life is made miserable by the cruel Mrs. Potter. The only positive is that this woman is a fabulous cook. Only there's a catch here too, she uses her cooking as a form of warfare as Nigel (now played by Freddie Highmore) has discovered his own knack for cooking and the two vie for Mr. Slater's love and attention through his stomach.
This food in this movie was pitched to be "jumping off the screen, you can almost smell it, almost taste it". Unfortunately this is not actually true, excepting perhaps the controversial lemon meringue pie that makes reappearance after reappearance as Nigel tries to perfect and improve upon his rival's secret weapon. But hats off to Oscar Kennedy who plays young Nigel and is the real star of the movie along with his cast of little friends, in particular Warrel played by Frasier Huckle. These young actors deliver with such a wonderfully offhand yet childish air, you can only be amazed by the things they observe and the matter of fact way they put them. Highmore too holds his own as the straight-faced older Nigel who is just laying in wait until the moment arrives where he can break free of Mrs. Potter and Bonham Carter is just so good at being bad, no surprise there.
Overall the movie is worth a watch but if you go and see it in theaters just make sure you sneak yourself in a buttered scone. Believe me, about halfway through you'll be glad you did.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Versatile Vodka
Who says vodka's just for Friday night? It turns out there are so many more uses for vodka besides getting it on.
1. Treat poison ivy - pour on affected area right away
2. Freshen up laundry - no time to wash the LBD before the big date tomorrow? Pour vodka into spray bottle and spritz. The alcohol dissolves any bacteria and the vodka smell goes away as soon as you spray it.
3. Shiny hair - pour a jigger of vodka into conditioner for extra shine!
4. Toothache - Pour a shot of vodka into your mouth and swish! Swallow for extra side effects.
5. Polish up chrome, glass, and porcelain to get them to shine
6. Natural insect repellant - pour vodka into spray bottle and spray yourself.
7. Keep flowers fresh - pour a little vodka into your vase of flowers to make them last longer
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Amazing Applications of Applesauce
Do you know how versatile this sweet treat is? Here's five unique ways to use applesauce in your life!
1. Shampoo - Use in hair and rinse! The slight acidic quality of it will balance your hair's pH and make it shine. Look it up here!
2. Face mask - For oily or acne-prone skin. Find a recipe here.
3. Baking- cut down on sugar in baking by substituting with applesauce! Check out this chocolate chip cookie recipe.
4. Sick Food - Got stomach problems? Applesauce is a tasty but calming food to eat when you're sick, especially if you have the stomach flu.
5. Yum! - It's also good for just plain eating. Here's a super quick recipe to try now!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Beautiful Uses for Baking Soda
Do you know the wonders that lay inside your kitchen cabinet? So many things found in the kitchen can be used for beautifying purposes. So get out that Holy Grail of natural beauty and lets mix some baking soda! Here are 6 quick ways to use baking soda in your beauty routine.
1. Skin softener - mix a little baking soda in your bath for noticeably softer skin. It's a great natural alternative to bubble bath which can be loaded with chemicals and harsh fragrances. Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil in for a soothing aromatherapy experience. My favorite is to unwind with a little lavender.
2. Lip exfoliant - stop paying for lip scrubs! Take a little baking soda, mix it with a little water to make a paste, and spread it on lips. Use a toothbrush to scrub gently for extra-chapped or flaky lips. Make sure to moisturize after with a little lip balm! My favorite is Burt's Bees.
3. At-home mani/pedi - Nails turning yellow from too much nail polish? Rough cuticles from dish soap? Scrub some baking soda/water paste on them to get those off right away!
4. Body exfoliant - similar to the lip exfoliant, use in the shower all over for a cheap way to slough off dead skin and brighten yourself! Gentle enough for sensitive skin.
5. Clear out product build-up - add to shampoo or use alone on scalp for a cheap alternative to clarifying shampoo. Renew your hair, save yourself some money, and save the earth an extra shampoo bottle in the trash.
6. Face microdermabrasion - Microdermabrasion is a way to exfoliate the face to make it photo-ready. Skip high-end beauty products loaded with extra chemicals and fragrances and save those big bucks by using baking soda. Mix two teaspoons of baking soda with water, rub in, and rinse! For more detailed instruction, go here.
Do you have baking soda tips?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Girls Night In: 5 Easy Steps
Who doesn't love a night in with the girls? Here's 5 easy ways to make it great.
1. Treats - what would a girls night be without some sweet treats? It doesn't all have to be cookie dough and ice cream. Slip in some sweet fruit, like grapes or strawberries, to pretend like you're getting some sort of good nutrition into the night.
2. Spa night - slip into your pj's, sweep your hair into your favorite comfy scrunchi, and mix up some homemade face masks (kitchen face masks sounds like a good idea for a future post, right? Stay tuned!)
3. Gab - this is the time to giggle, vent, and dish. No judgment.
4. Movies - chick flicks galore! My favorite are the late-90s early-2000s teen flicks.
5. Nail polish - try some funky colors!
What's your favorite girls night tips?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Animal Testing in Beauty Brands
I have a confession: I am not a vegetarian. While this may not seem that earth shattering, if you knew me it would be surprising. I am an environmentalist that has in-depth knowledge on how the commercial meat industry is basically destroying the earth as we know it. So the way I cope with my guilt on not being able to give up my dad's grilled burgers is to be conscious about what beauty brands test on animals. I've condensed the list to mainly drugstore beauty brands but a more comprehensive list can be found here and here. I am definitely switching out some of my beauty essentials. Were you surprised by any of the brands on the lists?
Summer to Fall: One Dress
Fall is here, for better or worse. And as much as I would like to I am unable to buy a whole new wardrobe to stylishly shield myself from the crisp fall wind. So here's an idea to take a summer staple, the breezy dress, and transition it into fall. One reason I love dresses is that it automatically becomes cold weather friendly by putting on a pair of tights!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Favorite Drugstore Beauty
I don't know what it is but I could spend half the day wandering the beauty aisle at the drugstore. Even though I don't wear that much, I love makeup BUT I do not like to spend a lot of money on it. The drugstore holds some fantastic products that rival even the highest-end brands of makeup. Here are some of my favorites!
1. Maybelline Full n' Soft mascara - this mascara looks natural and makes your lashes look exactly what it says they will look like: full and soft!
2. L'Oreal Paris Infallible Eye Liner - I was a total late bloomer when it came to eyeliner and this eyeliner makes it so easy to use. With the consistency of a crayon, it's easier to control than a pencil or liquid eyeliner. And it stays on all day and doesn't move!
3. Revlon Moondrops Lipstick - Pigmented, moisturizing, and long-lasting! A long time favorite, Revlon knows how to make its lipsticks.
4. Wet n' Wild Icon Palette Eyeshadow - This is one of my favorite drug store finds. There are 3 versions of this palette, all with 3 matte and 3 shimmery eyeshadows. They are pigmented, blendable, and lasting.
5. Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Deeeep Conditioner - Leave it in, shave your legs or soap up, and rinse it out for gloriously moisturized and easy-to-style hair. Extra tip: after putting in conditioner, blast your hair for a second with the blowdryer to help melt it into your hair. Seriously soft hair alert.
6. Neutrogena Healthy Defenses Daily Moisturizer SPF 50 for Sensitive Skin - I have really sensitive skin and this doesn't bother it at all! It is so important that sunscreen is worn everyday and it's easy to incorporate it into your daily routine when it's built in with your moisturizer!
7. Wet n' Wild Idols Eye Cream Shadow Pencil - I use this as a thick eyeliner or as an eyeshadow. My favorite colors are the nude, black, and dark blue colors. They also have purple, light green, and dark green.
8. Aquaphor - seriously this is the missing magic element. It's like a thick Vaseline and you can use it for dry skin, cuts, burns, squeaky chair legs, chapped lips, dry heels, and much much more. I like to use a little as a brow gel to keep my brows in order and to put it on my pulse points before putting on perfume to make it last longer. I've also heard about using it in the place of a highlighter on your cheeks and to mix it with dry shadow to create your own creme versions. You can also make your own gloss/tinted lip balm by melting your favorite old lipsticks with this into little jars.
9. Almay Nearly Naked Foundation with SPF 15 - I just started experimenting with liquid foundation (I've been using powder forever) and I love this. It's easy to use (hello foundation novice!), easy to blend, and looks really natural. I was a little worried about getting a drugstore foundation where I can't test the color but the 'Buff' color is a perfect match for me (I'm super pale)!
10. Burt's Bees Tinted Lip Balm - I. Love. Burt's. Bees. Seriously. I only wish this had SPF. It looks like a sheer lipstick and it's all natural! It's casual enough that you can apply it in mixed company (no sneaking off to the bathroom) but packs a punch of color! My favorite color is Rose and I imagine that it could work for a variety of skin tones.
11. Maybelline Superstay 24 Color - This was a recent purchase and so far I'm liking it! It's in the form of a gloss but acts like a stain. There's also a balm end for conditioning and it comes in tons of colors categorized by red, plum, pink, and nude. But beware, it says it has staying power and it does! Even after washing my face before bed I found that I still had a little on in the morning. A little lotion (my favorite makeup remover) got it right off though.
What are your favorite drugstore beauty buys?
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Inspired By Princess Jasmine
Jasmine is the exotic, independent, and strong minded princess that goes searching for a new life and love herself rather than settle. Her outfit is something else I wouldn't recommend copying exactly. While harem pants are sort of coming back, pairing them with a little crop top would serve for an interesting walk down to the street. Here's a day and night outfit, both based on Jasmine's iconic green outfit, and her little red number that got Jafar going.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
For the Birds
Just a reminder to all our readers, don't forget to follow us on Twitter! Follow ALM_blog and keep updated on when we post and what's new at A La Mode! Come on, all the cool people are doing it.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Berry Cobbler
What I love about cobbler is that it delicious but requires minimal effort, a truly magic combination. This recipe came in a little booklet my grandma put together when my dad married my mom and moved into their first place here in California. I've been eating it all my life and it's always made me happy, I thought it was only right to share it will all of you! So from my grandma's kitchen in Virginia to yours where ever you happen to be, enjoy!
5 cups berries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
1 egg
This guy's pretty straightforward: 350 degrees and watch it until the top turns golden brown. Eat!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Cutie in the Kitchen
I was going to wonderful post about how I made use of overripe bananas without making a form of banana bread (aka I didn't have any eggs and I was too lazy to go to the store) BUT for some reasons the beautiful and artistic photos I took of my recipe are not uploading to my computer. So in its stead I have a post of what you can wear while preparing my amazing recipe when it is posted at a later date. Don't forget the apron! And I conveniently offered up a pair of shoes with a stacked's all about comfort!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wadrobe Essentials
With stores like Forever 21 constantly dangling new and newer fashions in front of our salivating mouths, it's easy to fall into a consuming spiral and it's even easier to forget that you don't really need that many pieces in your closet. In reality, it's generally known you really need a little more or less than 10 pieces. These are your wardrobe essentials!
Starting with...(drum roll please)...
#1: The LBD. Except this little black dress must be able to go from work to play right away. This means that it must be work appropriate (usually sleeves and a longer, rather than shorter, hem) but still flirty enough for happy hour.
#2: A good carry-all bag! This is your signature purse you tote everywhere. Make sure it can hold all your purse essentials but still be your style and make sure it's not too heavy!
#3: You need some shoes for that work-to-play LBD! We forget that heels can be shorter than 5 inches and still be sassy. These shoes need to be stylish and comfortable to make it all day.
#4: 1 or 2 pieces of statement jeweler. These are pieces you can use to accent a nice evening outfit or spice up jeans and a t-shirt.
#5: The elusive perfect pair of jeans! If you find them, let me know.
#6: The LBB. Otherwise known as the Little Black Blazer. As a blazer-girl, let me tell you that a blazer is the perfect thing to thrown on with a pair of heels and jeans or to wear with a nice dress. It's one of my most treasured pieces in my closet. Oh, and it's also perfect for work!
#7: The coat. A coat is something to invest in because you wear it all the time, need it be comfortable, stylish, and warm. Black and gray are always basics but try a bright red if you're feeling a little daring!
#8: Trousers. I know that when you're in school you forget that other pants besides jeans exist but they do! Trousers are sleek, sophisticated, and are perfect from heading out to dinner straight from the office. Evening trousers are even making more and more appearances on the red carpet!
#9: A fun scarf! Scarves now work for all seasons so find one that works for you, your style, and your wardrobe!
#10: (not shown): something that's completely, entirely YOU!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Inspired by Snow White
Snow White is known for her pale skin, raven hair, scarlet lips, and bold use of primary colors. It's easy to steal a little fashion inspiration from Snow White without looking like a kindergarten project gone wrong. A pale blue blazer can go from a statement piece to your go-to jacket for all outfits. Neutral boots let colorful separates speak for themselves. And don't forget your apple accents! These pieces will definitely draw the eye of your prince charming without pretending you're asleep on that park bench.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Steal or Splurge
Time for another Splurge/Steal! Summer is still here, despite emails about text books, complaints from parents about lazy habits, or the cubicle walls slowly closing in on you. It's easy to swish on some breezy summer style without watching the moths comically fly from your very empty wallet.
"Steal" items
"Journey to the Past" Floral Dress ($38)
Knotted Espadrille Wedges ($25) Forever 21
E.L.F. Hypershine Lip Gloss ($5) Target
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Bi-Rite Creamery
In one word: AMAZING. Bi-Rite Creamery in San Francisco offers a wide-range of delicious and utterly unique flavors to all ice cream lovers. Forget the ever-so boring Vanilla and Chocolate-- with flavors like Orange Cardamom, Coffee Toffee, Earl Grey, and Salted Caramel, your taste buds will certainly be screaming for more! The ice cream is affordable, home-made, and just plain good. The one thing that may be lacking is the cone quality, which fails to compete with the mouth-watering scoop that is nestled within. I suggest you get a scoop or two of the most interesting flavors on the menu and DIG IN!
Rating out of 5 Price Would Try Again?
4.8 $ Of Course!
Salted Caramel = the BEST flavor.. seriously, try it |
Rating out of 5 Price Would Try Again?
4.8 $ Of Course!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Inspired by The Little Mermaid
I was a huge Disney Princess fan growing up and who can blame me? I was lucky enough to see some of the best Disney put out in their so-called "Disney Renaissance." Once in a while, usually on a rainy day, I'll pop my VHS (yes, VHS) of The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and all the other iconic Disney movies and get my nostalgia on. Thus came the idea for an "Inspired by Disney Princess" series. Each Disney Princess has a distinct style that can easily be translated into the real, non-animated world (although I would really not recommend wearing a purple shell bra top out into public, even if you have the amazing proportions of Ariel's body). And so we start with The Little Mermaid.
The Little Mermaid will forever be defined by Ariel's magical "under-the-sea" home. You can even see the ocean inspiration in the movement of her pink dress when meeting Prince Eric for dinner. Look for romantic ruffles, loose draping, and flowy fabrics. I particularly love the wave-like bangles and the loose top in a perfect Little Mermaid color scheme. Just find a pair of fork (or a "dinglehopper" in Ariel speak) earrings to complete the look!
The Little Mermaid will forever be defined by Ariel's magical "under-the-sea" home. You can even see the ocean inspiration in the movement of her pink dress when meeting Prince Eric for dinner. Look for romantic ruffles, loose draping, and flowy fabrics. I particularly love the wave-like bangles and the loose top in a perfect Little Mermaid color scheme. Just find a pair of fork (or a "dinglehopper" in Ariel speak) earrings to complete the look!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Dress Up or Down: Baseball Game
Baseball has ruled the summer on tv, the radio, and in every baseball stadium in the country. But just because you're tailgaiting with a bunch of boys in jerseys doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your sense of style just because you're heading to a place where beer and peanuts reign. If you're itching to bring a little formality to the field, it's easy to throw together a dressed up look. While it's probably not recommended to rock stilettos or the LBD, you can still experiment with formal shorts, cute flat sandals, and a killer pair of sunglasses. On the flip side, jeans and a baseball cap find their home by home plate. Stay tuned for more Dress Up or Down posts!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Fashion Trend: Asymmetrical Jackets
We're back! After a small hiatus, your favorite A La Mode authors are ready to kick things off again! One new trend that has hit all major clothing stores is asymmetrical jackets. And I have to admit, I'm a fan. The asymmetrical zipper will add an interesting and edgy component to your overall outfit, especially on a faux leather jacket! Try a strapless dress, some pumps, maybe a small clutch, and a bright red lip--this is a great going out outfit that will stand out at any cocktail party or dance club!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Spring Floral Dresses
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
DIY Projects for the Winter Blues

It's still winter which means it's still gray out. Break up the winter doldrums with a little creativity! Its fun, cheap, and you make new stuff for your wardrobe! Make a fashionable necklace, snazz up your shoes, and cover yourself in ruffles. Check it out!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fashion Tips: Skirts and Sandals
One of my favorite shows to watch is What Not To Wear. Essentially, the show consists of two fashionable stylists, Stacey and Clinton, who ambush people who have horrible taste in fashion. They offer $5000 for a whole new wardrobe in exchange for permission to throw away the horrendous old wardrobe. I'm sure many of us DREAM of the day Stacey and Clinton ambush us in public and offer $5000, but until then, we can take some advice from these fashionistas.
I've probably watched one too many episodes, but their tips are consistent from show to show. Some tips that really work for most women are the following:
1. When choosing a high-waist skirt, choose something that synches at the waist or add a belt, thereby defining the narrowest part of your waist. It's flattering and gives you an hourglass shape.
2. Skirts, for most women, are most flattering when they fall above the knee. This shows more leg and makes you look taller.
3. Metallics are neutrals. So, a metallic shoe, whether its gold, sliver, or bronze, will usually go with most outfits!
The sun is out and Spring is here, so try these tips and show off a little leg!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Restaurant Review: Coupa Cafe

For those of you heading down the peninsula and have a hankering for a little Venezuelan bite, head toward Coupa Cafe in Palo Alto. This adorable little cafe not only boasts spacious outside seating, a little South American cuisine, but also some of the best chai you will ever drink in your life.

While the menu has an impressive spread with everything from breakfast (served all day) to pasta and salad, we decided to try the Venezuelan fare. We ordered a pabellon empanada with carne mechada, black beans, sweet fried plantains & loleta cheese, served with three special
venezuelan sauces and a cachapa, a traditional venezuelan corn griddle pancake served with fresh queso loleta & sides of black beans, nata & guasacaca.

The epmanada was AMAZING and we were disappointed that we had agreed to split it. The meat inside was flavorful and, while most of the sauces weren't used, the red one was pretty good. The cachapa was good as well; however, the cheese inside was pretty salty and not enough beans were provided to try and cut the salty flavor.

We ended the meal with the Tiger Spice Chai, a rich and spicy blend that soothes your soul and makes you wish it was a bottomless cup.
Restaurant Rating out of 5 Price Would Try Again?
Cafe Coupa 4.5 $$ ($ for drinks) Yes!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
New York Times: Cardamom-Scented Oatmeal Pancakes
Seeing that pancakes are the BEST breakfast food, here's a new way to change up an old classic. Mark Bittman takes you step-by-step on how to make these yummy and healthy pancakes.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
DIY: Faux Bow and Stripe Mittens
I was in desperate need of mittens. I needed something quick less I lose my fingers to the unnaturally painful freeze we've been experiencing this winter. San Francisco is not the coldest place in the world and I've lived through much colder winters in other cities but there is something about the wet-cold that comes with the fog and gets in your bones that's hard to shake. My Boston friends laugh, my Chicago friends shake their heads but I say don't judge until until you get caught along the wharf in a cardigan on a day that started out sunny and ended with the city in the belly of a sub-arctic cloud. Just because it's California doesn't mean it doesn't get cold (it's all relative anyhow).
But the mittens, gloves, a muff, anything! I had a great need and (as is almost always the case) very little cash. I walked into Anthropologie (because who doesn't like to look at what they can't have?) and of course I wanted every pair they had: wonderful colors, lengths of all varieties and bows, so many bows; they're in this season and were on over half of the mittens they had there.
While I was riffling through their big wicker boxes of cold-weather accessories I got the idea that maybe I can make something like these for myself on a college budget. I made myself leave the store and look elsewhere for a smarter alternative and as luck would have it I found it across the street at Old Navy. Two pairs of one size fits all mittens for one dollar. One. Dollar.
I loved the striped pair, the black pair not so much but for one dollar who cares? As I scampered off with my prize I got an idea to make the pair I liked even better by using the pair I knew would never really see the outside of my sock drawer. Cut up the black ones and make some bows I thought! Well faux bows anyway; faux in that I wouldn't actually be tying them, otherwise they'd be too bulky and they wouldn't lay flat.
My supplies: Two pairs of mittens, some red embroidery thread, a needle and of course a pair of scissors.
To make the bows I cut the stretchy wrist pieces off of the black gloves and then cut both of those in half so I had four identical strips of fabric.
From there I stitched a decorative border with the red embroidery thread around two of the strips (these would be the lengthwise part of the bow) and laid the other two strips on top of them like crosses. I tucked the strips on top underneath and secured them tightly to scrunch the middle of the bow and give it its shape.
And it turned out like this! Sorry for the terrible picture quality there, I was using a borrowed camera and didn't realize how fuzzy it turned out. If you kind of squint you can make out my stitching detail.
After I assembled the faux bows all there was left to it was to situate them on the mittens and sew them down. I think they turned out pretty well and it makes a relatively plain accessory more exciting. Most importantly--aside from the satisfaction of being crafty and making something yourself--it brought the price down from $38 (not including tax) to $1, seeing as I already had the other materials for the project around the house. Morel of the story? Try taking matters into your own hands when your wallet says no, just because you don't have money doesn't mean you can't have fun things. So take that Anthropologie, I'll have my cake and eat it too.
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